Whiskey Recipe

“I want to thank fellow bartender Oscar Escobar from Sacramento, California for coming up with the name for this cocktail. A whiskey sour with some raspberry liqueur added plus a sprig of thyme to give it some aromatic properties. A great combination!” Shaun The Bartender

Craft Cocktails

The Cocktail, a word referring to any generic alcoholic mixed drink. Although, I am more of a beer drinker I still enjoy a good Cocktail. Just recently I had the privilege of meeting someone who knows his Cocktails like I know my beers. Shaun The Bartender, who has been tending bar for over 20 years and after watching his YouTube channel he definitely knows his drinks, and in this video a great whiskey recipe. Shaun has a large selection of 400+ videos on his page each one is short and to the point. Hopefully, the Pints, Forks and Friends community enjoy Shaun the Bartender’s cocktail as much as I do.

Cheers! Dave

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