nitro cold brew recipe

Discover the fascinating world of nitro cold brew recipes in this comprehensive guide. Nitro cold brew coffee has become increasingly popular in recent times, due to its distinct taste and many health advantages. As a result, many coffee enthusiasts are eager to learn how to make their own nitro cold brew at home.

In this blog post, we will delve into what sets nitro cold brew apart from regular iced coffee and explore the reasons behind its increasing demand. The advantages of consuming nitro cold brew java, such as lower acidity and a reduced chance of indigestion, will be examined.

Furthermore, you’ll gain insight into the unique flavor profile and texture that nitrogen infusion imparts on your favorite beverage. Finally, our homemade Gaia Coffee-style nitro cold brew recipe will provide step-by-step instructions for mixing and carbonating your drink along with tips on serving and enjoying it to perfection.

Table of Contents:

The Rising Popularity of Nitro Cold Brew Coffee

Nitro cold brew coffee has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its unique taste and texture. This refreshing summer drink is perfect for sharing with loved ones or friends, as it offers a new spin on traditional iced coffee beverages. But what sets nitro cold brew apart from regular iced coffee? And why is there such an increasing demand for this beverage?

  • What sets nitro cold brew apart from regular iced coffee: Unlike your typical cup of joe, nitro cold brew is infused with nitrogen gas which gives it a creamy, smooth texture and slightly sweet flavor that many find irresistible. Learn more about the nitrogen infusion process.
  • Reasons behind the increasing demand for this beverage: As people search for healthier alternatives to sugary drinks and explore different ways to enjoy their caffeine fix, nitro cold brew has emerged as a popular choice thanks to its lower acidity levels compared to traditional hot or iced coffees.

If you’re interested in trying this popular beverage, check out our simple recipe below.

How to Make Nitro Cold Brew Coffee

Making nitro cold brew coffee at home is easier than you might think. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Coffee beans (medium to dark roast)
  • Coffee grinder
  • Whipped cream dispenser
  • Nitrogen cartridges
  • Filtered water


  1. Grind the coffee beans to a coarse grind.
  2. Add the coffee grounds to the whipped cream dispenser.
  3. Fill the dispenser with filtered water.
  4. Screw on the top and charge with a nitrogen cartridge.
  5. Shake the dispenser for 30 seconds to infuse the nitrogen.
  6. Pour the nitro cold brew coffee into a glass and enjoy.

Experiment with different coffee beans and ratios to find your perfect nitro cold brew recipe. Top your nitro cold brew off with a dollop of whipped cream for an extra luxurious experience.


Key Takeaway: Nitro cold brew coffee has become increasingly popular due to its unique taste and texture, which is achieved by infusing nitrogen gas into the beverage. This drink offers a healthier alternative to sugary drinks with lower acidity levels compared to traditional hot or iced coffees. Making nitro cold brew at home is easy using a whipped cream dispenser, nitrogen cartridges, filtered water, and medium-to-dark roast coffee beans ground coarsely.

Benefits of Drinking Nitro Cold Brew Coffee

For those seeking a tasty caffeine kick that won’t upset their stomach, nitro cold brew coffee is the ideal selection. One of its key advantages over traditional hot or iced coffees is its lower acidity levels, which can help reduce the risk of indigestion and other gastrointestinal discomforts. This makes it an ideal option for those who experience issues when drinking coffee on an empty stomach.

  • Lower acidity levels compared to traditional hot or iced coffees
  • Reduced risk of indigestion and other gastrointestinal discomforts

The nitrogen infusion process not only gives nitro cold brew its unique creamy texture but also contributes to its slightly sweet flavor profile. This means you can enjoy a refreshing cup without added sugars or artificial flavors – just pure, unadulterated java goodness.

The Unique Flavor Profile & Texture of Nitro Cold Brew

Infused with nitrogen gas, nitro cold brew takes on a creamy, smooth texture that distinguishes it from other types of iced coffees. Its slightly sweet flavor makes it an appealing choice for those who prefer their drinks less bitter but still enjoy the taste profile associated with classic black coffee.

  • Creamy mouthfeel resulting from nitrogen infusion process: The secret behind nitro cold brew’s velvety consistency lies in its nitrogen infusion process. This technique gives the beverage a rich and creamy mouthfeel without adding any dairy products.
  • Slightly sweet undertones without added sugars or artificial flavors: Nitro cold brew coffee offers a subtle sweetness that comes naturally from the brewing method itself. For those seeking to reduce their calorie intake while still enjoying a caffeine boost, nitro cold brew coffee is an ideal choice as it requires no added sugar or syrups.

If you’re looking to make nitro cold brew at home, here’s what you’ll need:

  • Coffee beans: Start with high-quality coffee beans for the best flavor. Choose a medium to dark roast for a bolder taste.
  • Cold brew coffee: Make a batch of cold brew coffee using a coarse grind and filtered water. This will be the base for your nitro cold brew.
  • Whipped cream dispenser: You’ll need a whipped cream dispenser to infuse the cold brew with nitrogen gas. Make sure to clean it thoroughly before use.
  • Nitrogen chargers: Nitrogen chargers are small canisters of compressed nitrogen gas that you’ll use to infuse the cold brew.

Once you have all your ingredients and equipment ready, it’s time to make nitro cold brew:

  1. Pour the cold brew coffee into the whipped cream dispenser.
  2. Screw on the top of the dispenser and insert a nitrogen charger into the designated slot.
  3. Shake the dispenser vigorously for 30 seconds to infuse the coffee with nitrogen gas.
  4. Pour the nitro cold brew into a glass and enjoy.

For those keen to experiment with something new, nitro cold brew coffee is a tasty and invigorating choice that can be easily crafted at home.


Key Takeaway: Nitro cold brew is a smooth and creamy coffee with a slightly sweet taste that comes from the nitrogen infusion process. It offers a rich mouthfeel without adding any dairy products or artificial flavors, making it perfect for those looking to cut back on calories. To make nitro cold brew at home, you’ll need high-quality coffee beans, cold brew coffee, a whipped cream dispenser, and nitrogen chargers.

Homemade Nitro Cold Brew Recipe – Gaia Coffee Style

Making nitro cold brew at home is surprisingly easy once you have the necessary ingredients and equipment. By following our simple recipe inspired by Gaia Coffee, you’ll be able to create this delightful beverage in no time and impress your guests during warm summer gatherings.

Equipment Required

  • Nitrogen gas (available at local homebrew stores)
  • Nitro tap (optional but helpful)

Step-by-Step Instructions for Making Nitro Cold Brew

  1. Purchase a high-quality cold brew concentrate, such as Chameleon Cold Brew Concentrate Black Coffee.
  2. Mix together the cold brew concentrate with nitrogen gas according to the instructions provided on the packaging.
  3. If using a keg, let it carbonate for 24 hours or shake vigorously for a few minutes before refrigerating overnight.

Tips on Serving and Enjoying Your Homemade Nitro Cold Brew:

  • Use a whipped cream dispenser to create a frothy texture.
  • Use high-quality coffee beans and grind them coarsely for the best flavor.
  • Use filtered water to avoid any unwanted flavors.
  • Experiment with different coffee grounds to find your perfect blend.

Now you’re able to relish this delightful and invigorating beverage whenever you like. For the daily coffee drinker, nitro cold brew is an exciting and delicious way to experience their favorite beverage.

FAQs in Relation to Nitro Cold Brew Recipe

What is so special about nitro cold brew?

Nitro cold brew stands out due to its unique flavor profile, creamy texture, and lower acidity levels. The nitrogen infusion process gives it a velvety mouthfeel without the need for added sugars or artificial flavors. Additionally, its reduced acidity can help minimize gastrointestinal discomfort often associated with traditional hot or iced coffees.

How to make good nitro cold brew?

To make a delicious nitro cold brew, start by brewing high-quality coffee grounds using the cold brew method. Then infuse the coffee with nitrogen gas using specialized equipment like a nitrogen tank and tap system. Allow time for carbonation before serving chilled through a nitro tap or pouring over ice.

What is the ratio for nitro cold brew?

The ideal ratio for making nitro cold brew is 1:4 – one part coarsely ground coffee beans to four parts filtered water. This will create a strong concentrate that can be diluted as desired when served. Experimenting with different ratios may yield varying results depending on personal taste preferences and bean types used.

What makes nitro cold brew different?

Nitrogen-infused beverages like Nitro Cold Brew are characterized by their distinctively smooth texture and slightly sweet undertones without added sugar or dairy products. Nitrogen gas creates tiny bubbles in the liquid which result in an ultra-creamy mouthfeel that sets this drink apart from regular iced coffee options.


With lower acidity levels and reduced risk of gastrointestinal discomfort, it’s a great option for those who love coffee but struggle with traditional hot or iced varieties.

If you’re interested in trying out this trendy beverage at home, our homemade nitro cold brew recipe provides step-by-step instructions on how to mix and carbonate the drink using nitrogen gas. Once you’ve perfected your recipe, sit back and enjoy the creamy mouthfeel and slightly sweet undertones without added sugars or artificial flavors.

If you’re ready to take your love of nitro cold brew to the next level, consider joining Nitro Coffee Club! Our subscription service delivers high-quality nitro cold brew straight to your doorstep every month. Sign up today for convenient access to delicious nitro coffee whenever you want it!

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