Episode 039 embarks on a journey down memory lane as we reunite with old friends and rediscover a cherished gem at Indian Lake, Ohio. PFFMaestro, our intrepid explorer of flavors, recently rendezvoused with his high school buddies for a memorable get-together, and the...
Recently, PFFMaestro, PFFNinja, stumbled upon a tremendous dive bar named the Canal Boat Lounge, ideal for chicken wings, basking in the sun, pool table, darts, and enjoyment.. This has quickly become our top pick after our river canoeing escapades. The highlight? A...
PFFMaestro, PFFNinja, recently enjoyed a visit to Bahama Bay Resort, home to the delightful Tradewinds Restaurant. Situated alongside the picturesque Lake Davenport, Tradewinds provides a family-friendly dining experience within a captivating Caribbean ambiance,...
When PFFMaestro, PFFNinja, and our special guest reviewer, Jay Thornton, decided to embark on a culinary journey, we knew we were in for a treat. Our recent meetup took us to the EPCOT Food & Wine Festival, where we made a beeline for the Brew-Wing Lab nestled...
Winking Lizard Macedonia – “I Can Do Another 12,” Episode 035: @PFFMaestro welcomes a special guest on this episode, his dad! As our journey to find the ultimate chicken wing persists, we visited the Winking Lizard in Macedonia, Ohio. Renowned throughout...
In this episode of “I Can Do Another 12”, @PFFMaestro and his sidekick, PFFNinja, are currently on an epic mission in search of the ultimate chicken wing. They recently discovered the Noisy Oyster Pub, a hidden treasure nestled in the corner of a quaint...